Friday, March 11, 2011

You're Dying to Know

I thought about having you guys ask me questions, and then I would answer them for you but… that never happened. So, instead I’ve decided to ask myself questions and answer them, saving you the trouble. You’re welcome.

Carly, what is something you got in trouble for when you were younger?
When I was 5 I ran away from home. For no reason, just seemed like fun. Oh, and there’s that time I got shot at and was grounded all summer.

Carly, what’s your favorite food?
Nachos. With beer. I’m a fat kid at heart.

Carly, who’s your best friend?
Dave. We aren’t friends anymore and that’s sad, but I refuse to replace him. Also, I never include family or significant others in that question because it’s weird.

Carly, how did you know Brady was the one? (Yeah, I said it)
Because he’s the bee’s knees. The cheese to my macaroni. The Hobbs to my Calvin. And he’s the nicest guy I’ve ever met in my whole life.

Carly, why are you addressing these questions to yourself? It’s your blog and I highly doubt they’re being directed at other people.
I don’t know. I just noticed that I was doing that and that it’s weird.

Carly, how is it that you can stay up until 6 am without noticing? (Brady has asked me this repeatedly, that’s why I put my name there)
I honestly have no idea. I can’t keep track of time.

What kind of puppies do you hate?
Who hates puppies?! What the hell kind of question is that?

What makes a Carly?
Take some El Salvador and Palestine for height, awesome curves, and out of control hair; mix in some Poland and Sweden for coloring and high potential for sunburns; add a dash of Cherokee, because… why not?

Awesome curves, eh? Conceited much?
Heck yes! I love my body, most days. So sue me. But don’t really because I have zero assets.

This post is a little more random than usual, why is that?
This is the real me. I usually try to rein it in for you guys.

What scares you?
Zombie clowns. Holy mother of terror. And losing my parents because of their crappy lifestyle choices.

If you have your own questions, or questions about my questions, feel free to ask. I promise to answer.


  1. Ha ha this was fun! I love that you addressed yourself like this!

  2. Nice. I can never think of questions for myself!

  3. Oh, how I heart you! You want to know what's funny? Somehow, I already knew the answers to all these amazingly random questions. how could that be? Answer THAT one my friend!
    P.S. - At least Brady isn't the Wallace to your Gromit. That would make me sad.

  4. What?! I love pugs! They have a face only a mother could love.

    Now craving Nachos...thanks.
