Friday, March 18, 2011

Fit Friday – Calories are the Devil

Well, I’ve been trying to get in shape.. again, still, whatever. Over the past few years my focus has been more on what is healthy and less about what my jean size is. Unfortunately, I’m a bit ADD at actually applying what I learn, hence why it’s a continual learning curve. Since I research healthy living quite a bit, I thought I’d start sharing some of my knowledge with you!

I’m headed to Hawaii at the end of the month and it has inspired me to try something I’ve never done before: calorie tracking.  Let’s face it, we live in sturdy homes where we can control our own heat – we don’t NEED to eat as many calories as we do (although they are delicious). I wasn’t planning on actually changing my eating habits, but just trying to see how many calories I was really consuming per day. Let me tell you, it’s depressing.

Ok, day one I had a bowl of cereal with blueberries and banana slices for bfast, repeat for lunch (I forgot to pack one), a plate of grapes and 10 freaking saltine crackers. I’m already up over 1,000 calories and it’s only 3:00. How is this possible?! That’s more that half of what my body burns in a day. I would have guessed I was at about 600. Seriously. And this is me eating healthy because it’s a weekday; unlike on the weekends when I stuff myself with wild abandon on greasy, cheesy, delicious food and then top it off with a beer or six. Crap, crap, crap.

Speaking of beer, I looked up alternatives to the high cal stuff I really like. Bud Light is only 110 calories per beer, which is pretty do-able. In fact I feel really smug about this choice until I read on and it says something like “while 110 calories per beer isn’t bad, your body will certainly notice the 500-600 extra calories in your day”. Hmm, I guess I never thought about it that way. That’s just a normal Sunday watching football. On the upside my second favorite drink (Sweet Tea Vodka and water – try it) is only 64, and takes only 1-2 drinks to get the same effect as 5-6 beers.

So far I’m a week into calorie tracking and my eyes have definitely been open to the sneaky world of food. I’m still eating mostly what I want, but trying to make smarter choices. If I eat something fatty for lunch, maybe have something better for dinner. And beer is out until I get back from Hawaii.

Sorry, I meant this to be an encouraging and informative tip on being healthy and instead it reads like a suicide note for fun. I guess I’m still in shock. Anyway, Friday fit tip: try calorie tracking without necessarily trying to reduce your calories. It will get your thinking about what you’re eating and how you’re fueling your body.

If you're interested in seeing how much your body burns per day, and how many calories you are eating try  They have a free service you can use.


  1. "What rolls, those are learning curves" ;)

    I can't calorie track at all, so I eat 'mostly' paleo/primal. If you're not leaning toward vegetarianism, it's the easiest thing. It's a lifestyle not a diet. I feel great when I'm on the ball, never starved and full of energy. But of course my wagon can be bumpy at times, I do great on weekdays but weekends mess me up.

    Take a look. It makes sense to me but just like with everything, it's not for everyone. Especially the organic/grassfed part. Can be hard on the wallet occasionally.

  2. Suicide note for fun lol. Up your protein, it will help a lot!

  3. I am a pro at counting calories now. I can definately help you if you need it.

    Another thing to wtch is not just what you are eating but making sure you are in fact eating a true serving size. If the box says 220 cals. a serving, you actually have to measure that out. A lot of people look at the lable and say "oh this is low in calories and is healthy!" and then they eat 3-4 servings!

    Try Pirates Booty for a snack! I get the small bags and it's good!

    Good luck! I am right there with you!

  4. Carly, I know what you are talking about. About four months ago I started using It is free and has every food and drink you could think of. You select what you have eaten and it gives you all the nutrional values (or lack there of). I have lost 13 lbs by doing it! I did start the first week tracking what I normally ate and was floored by how many wasteful calories I was taking in! I quickly learned what kind of food I needed to eat and what needs to stay out of the house! lol
