Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rewind Wednesday - HANDS!!

A few years ago Brady and I went to the movies in full pig-out mode. We bough popcorn, a few types of candy, and a huge bottle of water. We were almost to the ticket counter before we realized the tickets were in his pocket. As we were juggling our goodies Brady looked at the ticket guy and said "Sorry, we don't have enough....." and trailed off. I blurted out - in an abnormally loud voice - "HANDS!" a microsecond before I realized the guy only had one arm.

I felt like such a jerk, flaunting my appendages like that.


  1. I know that shouldn't be funny, but that is exactly something you would do.


  2. Ha! This kinda sorta happened to me when Jeff and I were skiing in Big Sky. I fell of the lift and a guy walked over to help me out and I held my hand up to grab his right arm and there was none... Jeff nicknamed him one arm mcgee.
