Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rewind Wednesday – 18th Birthday

My best friend and I were born a day apart, so every year we would celebrate two days of joint birthdays instead of one day of individual birthdays. For our 18th birthday we decided to be super classy and go to Hooters for dinner. Halfway through our chicken wings the waitresses drug us up to the front of the restaurant where they made us climb on stools and dance while the restaurant sang us happy birthday. In case you’re wondering, the birthday song is not an easy rhythm to dance to..

Unfortunately, I no longer have pictures from that day. Instead here are the most popular songs for August 11, 2001 and August 12, 2001:

Destiny's Child – Bootylicious

Alicia Keys - Fallin'

Ugh, was that really almost 10 years ago?!


  1. You're missing him a lot lately, huh? I don't blame you!

  2. Still sorry to hear that this friendship is no longer, I know it must be painful. I am sure he misses you just like you miss him. Hug!

  3. Thanks ladies. I do miss my friend often, but mostly I just wanted to try something new by 'rewinding' into my own life. This was the first memory that popped up. I think I will try to do this every Wednesday.

  4. 10 god. Thankfully life keeps getting better right? Hopefully the trend continues.
