Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Someone hand me an umbrella...

Man, when it rains it pours.

WARNING: I'm about to complain. A lot. (But I added pictures, so hopefully that helps.)

This week has been a bit.... rough. I know, it's only Tuesday. Last week my debit card information was stolen, and I was left with an alarmingly negative balance. After two hours on the phone I was assured that my balance would be restored by Monday. Monday comes, and no money. I call again and find out that despite my extremely long call the week before, the claim wasn't actually made on my account. After filling out some paperwork I was told it could take up to 10 days to get my money back. I don't use credit cards, so this is a pretty big deal for me.

Normally I would just tighten my belt and wait it out. Unfortunately my car is having some serious issues as of this week and needs to be fixed ASAP. Crap. My nearest bus stop is over two miles away. For living in a yuppie community, it sure isn't very green. If push comes to shove I guess I'll be getting a little more exercise in the mornings. While reminding myself last night that I'll be fine and I've certainly been in tighter spots, I noticed a little tickle in my throat. The tickle became a pain, and the pain would not go away. Usually Every time this has happens it winds up being strep throat. Double crap. I don't know why, but I'm super susceptible to strep, I seriously get it once a year. It's looking like I'm going to have to make a trip to the doctor's office tomorrow and even though I have health insurance (yay!) it's still going to cost money (boo.), money I don't have. Deep breath.

Before I went to bed I prayed. I prayed for my health, my car, and my finances. I usually don't have such selfish prayers, but I really do need help. I dreamed continuously through the night that things worked out. When my throat woke me up occasionally in the night I realized that I had been mid-prayer. This is not unusual for me, when things weigh on me heavily I notice that I pray while dreaming. I used to do the same thing when I was in school; I would be working out difficult math equations in my sleep and wake up mumbling them to myself. Strange, I know.

I woke up this morning feeling better, emotionally. While I have to remind myself that God is not my personal genie who will grant me whatever I want, just because I asked for it; but I have to equally remind myself that I have put my faith and trust in God and things will work out. I've been in harder, tougher, tighter spots before,  things have always improved over time and I still have much to be grateful for. Life is nothing but ups and downs, and this just happens to be a downturn...


  1. It truly does pour, doesn't it? But I'm with you when you say that things will work out! I know that, and so do you! Hang in there!

  2. All of these things have happened to me and I know how frustrating they are. Though, not at the same time! I'm so sorry about all of this hassle. And I hope you don't have strep throat!!

    I really admire your faith, though. You truly impress me. It takes a lot of faith to realize, and accept, that just because things don't go your way, doesn't mean that God isn't there. He DOES answer your prayers. Though, more often than not, that answer doesn't result in Him just make things easier for you. Sometimes the answer to a prayer is as simple as a small comfort, like giving you the ability to take things in stride, and know everything will work out.
    You're strong! And you can complain any time you want! :)

  3. Complain away dear friend. That's what a blog is for. And If you need anything, let me know. A ride or some company...

    And I hope you feel better soon!
