Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's a Girl!

Break out the cigars, our little family in Renton is expanding. We got another dog! It's something Brady and I have been talking about for a while now, but had been going back and forth on the pros and cons. We've been told that Ky howls every morning when we leave for work, which is pretty sad. Not to mention very annoying for our neighbors... We were still pretty hesitant about the added responsibility, but after seeing how happy Ky was with another dog last weekend we decided to make it work. She's a 10 month old Rottweiler that we have named Minion. I was nervous about adopting a Rottie, even though they are a sweet breed you never really know how they're raised. But she could care less about our cat and came from a family with 3 kids, all under the age of 6. She is the sweetest thing, full of energy and a BIG bark. I feel like I just built a moat around our house, between Kyzer and Minion only an idiot would attempt to break in! Best of all, Kyzer loooooves her (in a platonic way, they're both fixed), but he gets really jealous if we give her any attention. Hopefully that will go away soon.

I tried to take a picture of her, but so far all I've gotten is a black blur.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Mama ;) Oh boy, you're in for a treat...
