Thursday, June 30, 2011

A peek into my weird life:

Hello friends!

I've been terrible about blogging lately, my apologies. Here is my life as of late: Work, work, work overtime, move, attempt to clean my apartment, attempt to unpack, work more overtime, get the flu, barf everywhere (you're welcome), work a 10 hour day while still sick, clean old apartment, and somewhere in there have a friends Roller Derby birthday, Pride, and a dinosaur fight. Well I was being a dinosaur (Cera from the Land Before Time to be exact) and my friend was being a bull. It's no wonder she lost... Here's some pictures to give you a better idea:

Fight #1
She got confused so we tried again...

This will not end well for her....

Seconds before I fell on her helmeted head...

Btw, I don't recommend falling on a helmet with your face. But we had fun, I'll show you the rest my recent shenanigans soon.

Oh, I also tried to see if I would fit in a duffel bag.

I do.


  1. That is one large duffle bag.

    I equate barfing to dieting, so nice job! ;)

  2. I wish i could fit i luggage. I only fit in Jeff Christopher's entertainmet cabinet. Also Peatry was my favorite.

  3. What in the world is wrong with you my friend? Classy.

    We moved too! Cleaning sucks though and unpacking sucks too...I can't wait to see each other's places!
