Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

1. How many times have you been a bridesmaid/maid of honor?
Hmm... None! What the hell guys?!

2. What’s the last thing your do before you fall asleep at night?
Read! It's one of my favorite things to do, but I almost never have enough time.

3. You just won your dream vacation, all expenses paid. where are you going?
Thailand! No, Australia! Italy or Greece... Peru for Manchu Picchu. Gah! So hard to choose. I think I'll stick to somewhere on the Mediterranean Sea. 
4. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
I love being outdoors! Camping and hiking are my faves.

5. As a child, what did you want to “be when you grew up”? did you end up there?
I wanted to be a photographer for National Geographic. And no I didn't, I was told it was almost impossible to be a professional photographer... Now I know five.  Dream killers.
6. What are 3 things your dream home would have that you don’t currently have?
1. French doors
2. A red front door
3. A huge front porch

7. What’s for dinner tonight?
La Fuente left overs! Yum.

8. If someone stopped by your house unannounced on a typical Saturday night, what would they find you doing?
They typically wouldn't find me!

9. What’s your average monthly water bill?
Maybe $15. But I'm moving to a house with a pool tomorrow (!), so we shall see how that changes.

10. What do you do to relax?
Read, take my dog running (what? That's relaxing!), or  lay around and chatter incessantly to Brady (poor guy).


  1. If you ever feel like getting up early and going for a hike call me!

  2. When we renew our vows on our ten year anniversary, will you be my bridesmaid?? :)

    And I'm with you on the big front porch thing, I love southern homes because they all have those. Oh well, I like our deck :)
