Friday, May 6, 2011

Adventures of Brady and Carly :: Dolla Dolla Bills Ya'll

Last weekend I introduced Brady to the Dollar Store. He was pretty amazed at what they had to offer, but a little confused about how it works. I think he thought they were trying to trick him or something.

B: Wow, that's cool! How much do you think it is?!
C: A dollar
B: Hey check it out! Do you think this is a dollar?
C: Yep
B: How much do you think those are?
C: .........
B: You love me.
B: Do you think these are a dollar too?
C: (laughing) I might punch you before we leave. Just a warning.
B: That's rude.

In the car I started cracking up again
B: What's so funny?
C: You kept asking how much things were and there were signs everywhere that say "Everything's a dollar"!
B: What?! I didn't see those.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has blond moments.

Love you BAF :)


  1. Oh gosh, did you go to the dollar store in Renton? The Dollar Tree?? I freakin' love that place. And even though I know everything is a $1, I still find myself checking for prices every once in a while, in disbelief. Ha ha. You two are hilarious!

  2. This is too funny! I love ALWAYS make me chuckle!!!

  3. Dollar tree is where it's at! I love all thier party stuff and gift wrap!

  4. Haha! I haven't been to one of those is a long time.

  5. Ha ha ha, I can totally picture both of those conversations!! Ha ha!

  6. Why has he never been to the dollar store before??
