Confession. I have an opinion about everything. I mean, everything. I can usually keep the negative ones to myself, but sometimes... I can't.
The thing is, if I love you I'm going to tell you the truth. If we're good friends, I'm going to tell you the truth. It might not be pretty, and you might not like it, but it's going to come out. It gets me in trouble often enough, too. Because no one wants to hear it. I know that. But I also assume that we are close enough to be honest, and if it breaks us... well I guess we weren't really all that close.
Recently someone I love has jumped from a serious relationship where they moved in together after 6 months, to being engaged to someone else 4 months after the break up. I just... can't... keep it in. So I told them, as rationally and positively as I could: This is a red flag. This is not a good idea. You don't know each other yet. Yes, I know you think you do - but you don't. Take your time.
It's all falling on deaf ears. It's frustrating because I feel like I'm losing respect for them on a daily basis. Like, it's slowly slipping away and there's not much remaining. I know that sounds harsh. Maybe I don't read enough Nicholas Sparks. Those characters have some weird ass, unhealthy fast relationships and everyone cries over them. Of course, that might be because everyone dies in the end.
Anyway, there's not much point to this, except that sometimes I wish I could keep my opinions to myself. Life would be easier. But it's painful to watch someone make the same mistakes over and over again. I know it's their lesson to learn, but I wish they'd freaking learn it already.
Umm, you are not alone. I too hate it when people can't figure it out. I see nothing wrong in waiting on things to be sure cause who wants to go through crap later that they could have avoided? I usually don't say anything unless asked, but there are so many times, I will just say...'are you suuuuurree about this?' Losing respect sucks and I wish friends would take more stock in our good advice sometimes.
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