Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Big Brother is Always Watching

I've realized that I'm probably on the FBI watch list. Yes, I know it sounds like I'm a few short steps from wearing a tin foil hat, but hear me out:

1. Saade - Middle Eastern last name
2. I'm a dual citizen of the US and El Salvador
3. I travel internationally once or twice a year
4. I fly 4-5 times a year
5. I read Al Jezeera
6. I went to school for Political Science
7. I accidentally mentioned bombs in the airport. More than once.
8. I now have two legal names
9. My most recent Facebook friend is a biker gang in Mexico.

I think this may be the reason that I get so many hits on my blog, but I only have 11 followers. I'm on to you Big Brother.